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Chemistry Students

Middle School

Middle School can be an exciting time as you develop greater independence, enjoy new freedom, explore different activities and make new friends. 


However, this new phase can be an overwhelming time as you

  • adjust to changing schedules and different teachers

  • use a system for organizing schoolwork, assignments and notebooks,

  • keep track of homework assignments, progress and due dates.

  • remember different materials and books needed for each class 

  • plan and carry out long term projects, 

  • explore and get involve in extra-curricular activities and sports


The good news is that middle school is an opportune time to develop foundational habits and "self-management" skills such as organization, planning, time management and study skills that will be needed at high school and college. 


It is also a safe time to make mistakes and perhaps, fail as long as we learn from our mistakes. When we fail, there is always a learning outcome. While grades are important, it is more important to establish good habits and routines that you can use as you mature. 

Academic and Life Coaching for 
Adults and Adolescents with ADHD & Executive Function Disorder
Tel: 201-785-7820

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